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Formatic Security Deposit Dispute Resolution Form

How to Dispute a Charge on Your Security Deposit

Your lease may already have specific language regarding how to address a dispute of a charge on a security deposit. Please refer to your lease for specific details.

If you have a Formatic lease, then you have already signed and agreed to the following or something substantially similar:

    1. Tenant has a right to dispute line item deductions from their security deposit
    2. Tenant agrees to file all disputes of deductions in writing via the “Formatic Security Deposit Dispute Resolution Form” which can be done by:
      1. Online (fastest method) form: Completing the online form at
      2. Email: A printable form can be emailed to Tenant upon request
      3. In Person (appointment only): A paper copy can be picked up and filled out at any Formatic location by appointment.Inland Empire
    3. When disputing a deduction, Tenant agrees to provide the following information:
      1. The line item being disputed
      2. The dollar amount of the line item being disputed
      3. Why the line item should not be considered security deposit damage
        1. Examples:
          1. “Broken microwave handle. $150 (full amount). Handle was broken before we moved in”
          2. “Carpet replacement. $600 of $1000 charge. The carpet lifespan is eight to ten years per interNACHI and was three years old when we moved in. We lived there for four years. We know we were hard on it, but there was only one to three years of life left per interNACHI. We should only be charged for at most 30% of the carpet replacement cost ($300).”
        2. Total dollar amount being disputed for all line items combined
      4. If you have photos or video that supports your dispute, please send them to your personal property coordinator in an email after you have submitted the resolution form.
    4. Tenant agrees to allow ten calendar days from the date of submitting the Dispute Resolution form for a response before taking further action.Inland Empire
    5. Unless Tenant requests otherwise in writing, Tenant accepts a response by email to the email address on file for Tenant. Tenant also accepts that all communications regarding a dispute will be sent to all parties on the lease who are party to the security deposit.
    6. Reminder:Inland EmpireFormatic is a 3rd party property manager and we cannot control the property owner’s decision to approve or deny your dispute.Inland Empire
    7. Tenant agrees that requests to consider disputes of security deposit deductions that are not made using the format or form defined in this section shall not be considered a formal request for consideration.Inland EmpireFurthermore, Tenant agrees that any attempt to have some or all of the security deposit returned via court action without first properly filing a dispute resolution and waiting the prescribed period for a response will be deemed as the Tenant acting in bad faith, andInland EmpireTenant agrees they shall have no claim on any balance until they have followed the steps outlined in Section 45.

The below form, or a PDF or paper copy you can request be emailed or mailed to you, is the only approved method to submit a dispute for consideration.

Security Deposit Resolution Form